Thursday, November 12, 2009

Internet woes....Thursday's Thought

I wonder if big corporate cares anymore.....Apologies for the Station Break in Posts, but my internet service has been down for three days and the provider appeared to be dragging their feet on getting things repaired on their end....again!! So in trying to catch up, things will not be back to normal until Monday's post. I'll try to find some quick fun for the weekend . Happy Friday!!

When I'm not hosting Girls Night Out, you can find me creating jewelry at


  1. Ugh-I really think that people should just boycott big companies for awhile and let them come to the realization they are what they are because of the 'little' people like US!
    Glad your somewhat back :)

  2. Twitter your woes about the service. Helped me get mine up faster!

  3. too late to twitter, but I'm definitely going to blog!


Thanks for hanging out with the Girls, let us know what's on your mind...

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